Just wanted to extend a huge thank you for this journal, only a week and a half into using it and the direction it has offered is immeasurable, thank you! Already thinking of who I can get it for as a gift!
I received this journal as a Christmas gift from a friend. In only a few short weeks, it has completely transformed my prayer life. Before this journal, I had trouble remembering who I had offered prayers to and keeping track of all my prayer intentions. With this journal not only is everything so organized and laid out for you, it actually walks you though the process and encourages so much self evaluation and personal growth. I look forward to my “appointments with God” more than ever before. Its truly exhilarating to feel the enormous growth I’ve experienced in such a short time. I carry it with me everywhere I go. I’m so thankful to Julie for her ministry and to the Lord for leading me to this! I plan to share this journal with as many people as I can! Peace and Love to All!
This journal is beautifully crafted end-to-end and cholk-full of scriptural prayers and tools to help the faithful build a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus. A few tools/sections in the journal I love using are selecting “Word” for the year, “Lord of My Life” and “Who am I in God’s Eyes”. These sections give you an opportunity to reflect on not only where you are in your faith and relationship with Jesus, but force you to get honest with yourself and reflect on how God sees you.
This journal has become the centerpiece of my time with God. I use it for my daily morning prayers which include praise and worship then intercession for family and friends. I use the calendar pages to write down scripture from the gospel or psalm of the day. It’s my creative outlet as well – journaling my thoughts or pasting in pictures that speak to my soul. I open the journal in the evening when I examine my day, meditate on my word for the year or review monthly goals. It has become a treasure trove – how God speaks to me throughout the year and has inspired me to spend more time with God.
I thought I could do without buying a second journal and still be organized and consistent in my prayer/spiritual life. No, I could not! My prayers and requests for prayers and my goals, such as for Lent, were scattered in different notebooks, as well as those dreaded sticky post-it notes. It’s February and I just ordered my new journal today and I can’t wait to receive it. Thank you for such a wonderful resource. I highly recommend it!
The Sacred Intercession Prayer Journal allows me to reflect and write down any thoughts and prayers I have after a busy day. I love the many prayers and intentions in the book and use them on the days I want to say a prayer but have trouble finding the words. The Journal has become a special part of my night time routine.
The Sacred Intercession Prayer Journal has led me to reflect on my life and question if I give enough of my time and energy to my relationship with Jesus. It keeps me on the path to continue to deepen and strengthen that relationship.
This is just AWESOME! There is no other word for it. I JUST LOVE THE UNDERSTANDING AND WISDOM THAT COMES POURING OUT OF THE FIRST 20 PAGES! I will look forward to using it and feel it will truly deepen and strengthen my prayer life.
Since getting my first journal, I feel like my prayer life is improving daily. I feel confident in my prayers …This book goes with me everywhere I travel and has helped me in more ways than I could ever have imagined.
I absolutely love this journal. I’ve never been one to write in a journal but for 3 years now I have bought the Sacred Intersession Prayer Journal. I don’t always use it as much as I think I should but, it is always there for me when I feel like writing down who I promised to pray for. I love the scripture prayers that are all ready to use.
The Sacred Intercession Prayer Journal has led me to reflect on my life and question if I give enough of my time and energy to my relationship with Jesus. It keeps me on the path to continue to deepen and strengthen that relationship.
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