the Journal
Your Journey of Faith and Prayer

Our relationship with God is a life-long journey of faith and will forever change, grow and deepen with each passing day, week and year. The Sacred Intercession Prayer Journal is designed to deepen “your” personal journey of faith and prayer and help you realize the power of your prayers of intercession, where you have been during the course of your journey and how and where God would like you to serve Him.

I am the Vine, you are the branches.
-John 15:4 (NASB)

The journal is designed to bring life and God’s love, words and reality into your prayers and faith journey. It will feed and nourish your soul over the course of the year – but that’s not all! It is a journal chock-full of:

 Dates * Actions * Goals * Reflections * Lists … AND best of all Ready-To-Use Prayers

Your Invitation to Come Before the Lord

Our relationship with God is dependent upon having an active prayer life. Prayer IS our living, interactive relationship with God as we acknowledge His Presence, invite Him into the circumstances of our life, listen for His Voice, talk to Him about our fears, trials and joys.

Abide in Me and I will abide in you.
-John 15:5 (NASB)

Some of us need help to begin this relationship and make the commitment to pray each day. We need some kind of plan, inspiration and structure to specifically set aside time for prayer. This journal does just that! The Sacred Intercession Prayer Journal will help you…

  •  Schedule prayer time and create your prayer space
  •  Organize your thoughts and prayers
  •  Provide hundreds of ready-to-use scripture prayers
  •  Keep a list of your needs and intentions
  •  Record how God answers your prayers
  •  Reflect on the purpose, plan and mission He has for your life

While it is designed to lead you into times of quiet and prayer, it will also beckon to be filled with your prayer requests, thoughts and reflections, personal writings, favorite scripture verses or sayings – even scrapbook-style photos and memorabilia and other odds and ends. It will challenge you to focus your prayers on a specific theme each year that will foster spiritual growth and understanding. The journal’s versatility and flexibility make it well-suited for the beginner and seasoned “journaler” alike!

A Calendar Format That Blends Faith, Life and Prayer

Practical and unique in its format, the journal is ‘purposefully’ designed to include a 12 month calendar that is undated so that you can begin at any time of the year. This is where the blending of faith, life and prayer begins. You take charge by filling in the dates each month and week It’s these monthly and weekly pages that become your prayer list and allow you to think ahead and look back to track answered prayer. You may even choose to use the monthly and weekly pages to simply journal and/or add embellishments, photos, etc. However it is, use these pages to record names as well as write special prayers or journal your own thoughts. Many have found this format to be a helpful way to:

  • Remember to pray for upcoming surgeries, exams, doctor appointments
  • Record special events like birthdays, weddings, etc.
  • Plan a week in prayer for a family member’s salvation, faith and strength
  • Pray over a set number of weeks for breakthrough healing and forgiveness in a family relationship or other situation
  • Record specific intentions / novena prayers said throughout the year
  • Journal how The Lord is speaking to you that week

While filled with much content … it is also a blank canvas … ready for you to use and make your own. It will become one ‘snapshot’ of our journey

A Prayer Warrior’s Journal

The Sacred Intercession Prayer Journal is a prayer warrior’s journal that is meant to be filled with names, concerns and desires. It’s a tool to make faith real and prayer the foundation of life. It combines easy-to-use scriptural prayers with space to record daily prayer intentions and – best of all – answered prayers! It will assist you in praying for others as you grow more in love with Jesus. It will encourage you to make prayer and intercession an active part of your daily life and spiritual growth.

First of all, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all people.
-1 Timothy 2:1 (NASB)

Stand in the Gap – Become an Intercessor

One of the greatest gifts we can give to another is the gift of prayer. And one of the mysteries of prayer is the fact that “GOD NEEDS US” … Jesus needs us to be His Hands & Feet to ALL those around us. As intercessors, we say “yes – here I am Lord. I will stand in the gap”. And when we do, we are asking for mercy to pour down. We are asking for blessings and breakthrough. We are asking for a movement of God’s heart for another individual. We’re asking for His Love and for His Light to penetrate and transform darkness into light; illness into well being!

This journal will encourage and equip you to ‘stand in the gap’ for your loved ones by providing you ready-to-use scripture based prayers at your fingertips.

I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me, in the gap… but I found no one.
-Ezekiel 22:30 (NIV)

Ready-to-Use Scripture Based Healing Prayers

The heart of this journal contains the hundreds of healing scripture prayers available at your fingertips. The Word of God promises so many things to us – faith, hope, love, abundance, wisdom, power, protection, forgiveness, salvation, strength, rest, prosperity, health, deliverance, joy, blessings and so much more. We can and should pray God’s Holy Word, for His Word is living and active, “sharper than any two-edge sword” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV).

In this journal you will find more than 300 scripture based prayers organized in 28 different healing prayer categories, such as: addiction, blessings, cancer, comfort and grief, faith and strength, inner healing, joy and peace, physical healing, marriages, relationships and many more. All of the healing scripture prayers have been paraphrased and arranged so that they can be personalized for individual needs and intentions.

With His love, He will calm all our fears. He will break the chains that bind His people; And those who walk in darkness will see a great light.
-Isaiah 9:4,2 (NASB)

Sacred Intercession

Webster’s definition of sacred is, “connected with God or dedicated for a religious purpose; dedicated or set apart”. Why consider your time of prayer for others as Sacred Intercession? Because it is a holy time … a holy place … praying holy words of scripture. It’s a time set apart for a purpose, worship, praise and prayer to the Almighty God. When you consider this time of prayer as sacred, you begin to understand the very important work that is accomplished in you and through you during this time of prayer.

If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, Ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
-John 15:7

Accept the Call to Live an Interceding Life

This journal will encourage and challenge you to accept the call to live an interceding life and become a servant in prayer – someone who will labor in His vineyard and stand in the gap for those in need of God’s love, compassion and healing grace in their lives.

What does it mean to live an interceding life? It means living a life of faith! It means living a life empowered by the Holy Spirit. It means praying unceasingly, persevering in prayer and praying in all circumstances.

An interceding life has prayer as its anchor. The fruit of prayer is a beautiful, intimate relationship with our Creator, His Son and His Spirit that is always in communion with Him. It’s a life that encounters the Trinity in a very personal way. It is a life of surrender and trust. It is a life of living our faith and making our faith real in such a way that brings God’s words, love and reality to all those around us. It’s living our faith with a servant’s heart and being a servant in prayer.

An interceding life is rooted in Jesus Christ. “I am the vine; you are the branches” (John 15:5). It’s a life dedicated to being a “branch” – an extension of Jesus to other. Living a life of intercession means bearing the fruits of a prayerful life and extending those fruits to everyone we encounter and whom Jesus has put on our hearts.

Are you ready to live an interceding life?

Abide in Me and I will abide in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.
-John 15:4-5


The Sacred Intercession Prayer Journal allows me to reflect and write down any thoughts and prayers I have after a busy day. I love the many prayers and intentions in the book and use them on the days I want to say a prayer but have trouble finding the words. The Journal has become a special part of my night time routine.

– Jennifer S. | Grafton, WI