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Transform Your Workday … Make Your Work a Prayer.

For many of us the work week often brings non-stop activity, joys and trials, success and stress. Our faith and prayer life can easily evaporate when we enter the doors of our work place and hop on that mad-rushing train of ‘work’.

As hard as I try to build myself up each morning on my way to work … firm in my faith, putting upon me the Armor of God, proclaiming I will use “faith” as my shield throughout the day and the “sword of the spirit” to deflect any of the arrows the enemy may send my way … I no sooner pass through the revolving door, ride the elevator, arrive at my desk, turn on my computer … and the Armor of God and shield of faith have fallen off me.  The day ends and as I leave the office – I wonder … how and why did it fall off so quickly?   I hardly remember being attentive to my God throughout the day.  I recall the challenging discussions and decisions I had to make; the back-to-back meetings that leave me weary; the meetings that carried on without focus and lack of efficiency.  Why did I not invite Jesus to be us?  Why did I not pray?  Why did I not seek Him?

Have you found yourself in a ‘rut’ at work?  Discontent, unhappy, frustrated?  Make your work a prayer!  Recognize and be thankful for the God-given gifts and talents you are blessed with.  Offer these back to God as you work throughout the day.  The simple act of lifting our gaze up to heaven is an act of prayer.  Silently praising and thanking God for the situation before you has the power to transform your mind, heart and attitude.

When I apply prayer during my work day, it has the ability to do three things:

  1. Prayer has the power to change my interior life and circumstances around me.
  2. Prayer can change how I respond to situations.
  3. Prayer enables me to be attentive to God with reverence and respect.

Our ability to work and use the God-given gifts and talents we are blessed with can be offered back to God each day by living a life of prayer.

So Get Ready … Here Are 6 Ways to Pray Through The Work Day!

  1. Offer the work of your mind and hands to The Lord.  Ask Him to prosper the work of your hands.
  2. Pray before and after a meeting and/or conference call.
  3. Invite Jesus to be with you and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the mind of Christ and His perspective for the situation at hand.
  4. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to unite together the minds of all those in the meeting so that you quickly come to being on the same page, identifying positive solutions and able to work through obstacles and overcome disagreements that can cause delay.
  5. Pray a blessing for your colleagues and management team – that they be touched by the Spirit of God in their lives and in their work.
  6. Accept God’s sovereignty and give thanks and praise for all situations, trusting in the Lord’s plan.

Whether you are a CEO, a middle manager, a healthcare provider, or cashier … we can pray throughout our work day in relevant ways.

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  • JULIE – – I was among the so many this morning who listened to your conversation on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air program – as I often do.
    Beautiful words and thoughts!

    I subscribed to your daily Spiritual Intercession emails and look forward to your daily Spiritual writings – – . I agree with your comments on Saint Faustina’s writings and all related to them that has happened – and is happening in regard to them s- within the Church – as a result of them.

    Thank you for your daily Spiritual Intercession – – Though retired now, for so years, I think they will be very helpful for me. Dan Garrison

    • Hello Dan! Thanks for your comment. As I was preparing comments last week for today’s conversation with John Harper – I was drawn to St. Faustina’s Diary. I randomly opened the diary and my eyes fell to the comments at 887 & 888. I just love how the Holy Spirit works! (888) “Silence is so powerful a language that it reaches the throne of the living God. Silence is His language, though secret, yet living and powerful”. Blessings to you! May you encounter our Lord in the Silence of your heart!


Since getting my first journal, I feel like my prayer life is improving daily. I feel confident in my prayers …This book goes with me everywhere I travel and has helped me in more ways than I could ever have imagined.

– Monica J. | Gurnee, IL